
Hawaii’s island environment is home to a fantastic variety of eye-catching plants and flowers, and they can be as attractive to pets as they are to people. Unfortunately, plants that are harmless to humans can pose a significant danger to your dog. Maika’i Veterinary Clinic in Hilo, HI, the leading veterinarian office on the Big Island, wants to keep your pets in excellent health, and they advise you to be aware of poisonous plants that might be in your yard.

Veterinarians Share 4 Plants That Are Poisonous to Dogs

Autumn Crocus

These plants are appealing and colorful, but their high level of toxicity makes them harmful to a dog if eaten. Side effects range from vomiting to stomach bleeding and respiratory failure. If your canine gets ahold of this plant, don’t wait for symptoms of poisoning to show up, as this can take days. Bring your dog to a veterinarian immediately.


Just a few azalea leaves will have adverse health effects for pets. They include common symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, but coma and death also are possible without the aid of an experienced veterinarian.


Veterinarian Hilo HIIngesting any part of a daffodil could severely poison your pet. Whether it’s the bulb or flower, it could produce stomach pain, continuous vomiting, and even cardiac arrhythmia. Crystals within the bulbs cause tissue irritation that requires animal medicine to eliminate. An array of more severe symptoms are possible, so bring your dog to be checked by a veterinarian as soon as you learn they’ve eaten a poisonous plant.


This beautiful shrub combines the strength of an evergreen with the beauty of light, delicate flowers, and your dog might be drawn to it. However, its leaves and flowers are toxic enough to slow your pet’s heart rate and possibly kill them. If your dog has digested even a small part of this plant, seek help at a veterinary clinic. 

The skilled veterinarians at Maika'i Veterinary Clinic in Hilo, HI, will provide the care your pets deserve, including 24-hour emergency assistance in case your dog ingests a poisonous plant. You’ll feel a sense of ohana the moment you walk through their doors. Visit the animal care center online for more information about their services and pet supplies, including dog food, and call (808) 959-2273 to schedule an appointment.
