
Drug trafficking is the act of selling, preparing to sell, packaging, shipping, or transporting a controlled substance. The punishment for this charge will depend on the type and amount of drugs as well as location. David S. Washington, Jr. in Hamilton is here to explain the penalties that can result from drug trafficking in Ohio.


Drug traffickingPerhaps the most impactful drug trafficking penalty is incarceration. Depending on the type and amount of drug sold, the trafficker’s existing criminal record, and other extenuating circumstances (such as resisting arrest), the prison sentence for selling controlled substances can range from a few months to more than 10 years.


Fines for drug trafficking are heavily dependent on substance type and amount. Selling or transporting small quantities of marijuana result in a conviction for a fifth-degree felony, while larger amounts of cocaine can lead to first-degree felony charges. For this reason, fines for Ohio drug charges range from $5,000 to $20,000.

Property Seizure or Forfeiture

If you are convicted of drug crimes, the court may order the seizure or forfeiture of owned properties. This occurs when the court determines your home, car, or another property were purchased with the proceeds from drug trafficking.

Professional & Driver’s License Suspension 

Depending on your profession, you may suffer license suspension due to a drug-related conviction. This is especially true in high-skill fields, such as medical and legal practices. Drug charges may also result in the suspension of your driver’s license.

If you live near Hamilton, OH, and have been charged with drug trafficking, representation by an experienced criminal defense attorney can mitigate personal and professional damage as much as possible. Schedule your legal consultation with the dedicated defense lawyers of Washington Law Office by visiting their website or calling (513) 751-1400 today.
