
International travel, whether for business or pleasure, can lead to exciting new experiences. Visiting a foreign country, experiencing new cultures, tasting new cuisine; with so many things to do and see, the last thing you want is to catch an illness. Unfortunately, between 22% and 64% of international travelers find themselves sick at one point. While most illnesses are minor, some can lead to hospitalization. HealthSmartVaccines, located in Chantilly, VA, provides travel insurance and peace of mind through vaccines.

Before traveling abroad, consider these vaccinations to protect your trip:

  • vaccinesHepatitis A & B: Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver. Hepatitis A is often ingested. Traveling abroad and ingesting food and drink of poor quality can put you at a higher risk. Hepatitis B is transmitted through body fluids such as blood, vomit, or urine. Vaccines for hepatitis A and B will ensure protection against these severe illnesses.

  • Typhoid Fever: Typhoid fever originates through the salmonella typhi bacteria. This disease also is transmitted through ingesting food and drink, making it a more dangerous threat in under-developed countries. Visiting a travel clinic before your trip for vaccines is the easiest and smartest way to protect yourself from typhoid fever.

  • Rabies: In the rare event that you are bitten by a wild animal, you may develop rabies. Rabies is a serious viral infection resulting in hospitalization and, in some cases, death. Receiving a rabies vaccination after being bitten by an infected animal saves more than 15 million people worldwide. Get your vaccines taken care of before your trip to avoid any life-threatening situations.

HealthSmartVaccines in Chantilly, VA, is a travel clinic providing vaccines, travel insurance, flu shots, and more. Before boarding that international plane, get the proper vaccines to ensure a safe and successful trip. Call (703) 961-0733 or visit their website for more information.
