
Every business owner does everything they can to protect the investments they've made. You've researched local business regulations, found the best location, and hired the top employees. However, many entrepreneurs make common commercial insurance mistakes that expose those investments to significant risks. Below are three reasons why you should get in touch with an insurance agent. Insurance is tricky, and there’s no such thing as too much help.

3 Commercial Insurance Mistakes Many Small Business Owners Make

1. Assuming Your Personal Insurance Will Cover You

If you work at home, you might assume that your homeowner's insurance policy will cover your inventory or business equipment after an event such as a fire. However, this is usually not the case. Similarly, your auto insurance policy probably won't cover your damages if you cause an accident while using your car for business purposes.

Commercial Insurance2. Skipping Loss-of-Income Insurance

Unfortunately, a lot of businesses that close due to a disaster never reopen, even if the damages are covered by their insurance policy. To ensure you have the best chance of recovery, make sure your commercial insurance policy will replace your income if you're unable to continue operating.

3. Purchasing Insurance Without Consulting an Agent

Shopping for commercial insurance can be confusing, with different policies offering very different coverage options. Making sure you have the right policy for your needs requires the expertise of a skilled industry expert who will review your business and recommend a policy that provides the protection you want without paying for coverage you don't need.


Since 1998, the professionals at Tammy Ross Insurance have been working hard to ensure business owners throughout Monroe, NC, have all the insurance they need. To learn more about their reputation for excellent service and request a commercial insurance quote, visit their website, call (704) 233-4981, or follow them on Facebook for more insurance advice.
