
If you have diabetes, you may be at risk for certain eye problems. With trips to the eye doctor for frequent checkups, you can know what to do to prevent vision problems caused by diabetes. At Digby Eye Associates in Greensboro and High Point, NC, doctors offer eye exams, contact lenses, and cataract surgery to preserve the health of your eyes and treat problems with the most advanced technology.

Treating Diabetes

eye doctorWhen you keep your blood sugar levels and blood pressure low by quitting smoking, getting exercise, and following a diet plan for diabetes, your chances of retinopathy decrease significantly. That’s because when you work to combat the causes of diabetes, you’re less likely to have related vision problems. Talk to your primary care doctor about how you can manage your diabetes every day.

Seeing Your Eye Doctor

You should see your eye doctor once a year for an exam as a preventative measure. Ask what you can do at home to care for the health of your eyes. If you experience any changes in your vision, such as blurriness, trouble reading, seeing double, redness or pain, seeing spots, or changes in your peripheral vision, see your ophthalmologist right away. 

Treating diabetes itself is the first step to reducing your risk of related vision problems. Visit your ophthalmologist regularly for eye exams to screen for any abnormalities. For eyeglasses, contact lenses, eye exams, and cataract surgery in Greensboro and High Point, call Digby Eye Associates at (336) 230-1010, or visit online.
