
Welcome to the year 2017! The New Year is an excellent time to sit with your children and reflect upon their academic goals for when they return from winter vacation. What are their study habits? How are their homework routines going? Are they practicing their math every night? These questions are definitely important to consider for when your child gains more independence with their studying habits. And a start of a new year is a great time to do it!

Here are 5 things you can do TODAY to increase your child’s Math Confidence in 2017:

  • Setting ‘Math’ Goals for our Children- Create an environment that is fun and supportive for your child. Ask your child to create a poster listing all personal goals (sports or arts accomplishments) and professional goals (grades and other academic accomplishments). Then ask them to add their ‘Math Goals’ for the year. Throughout the year, this will help you remind them what they set out to do in 2017!
  • Math Homework- It's imperative to review the homework schedule and make any adjustments if necessary. Are math homework assignments being turned in on-time? Does the order in which math homework is being prioritized need to change? It might be good to consider cleaning out and reorganizing the homework folder.
  • Mathematical Facts- Children from kindergarten to senior year of high school should be reviewing their math facts every chance they get. Math facts are concepts that can be instantly recalled without resorting to strategies. Many times, basic math facts like understanding times tables are placed on the back burner throughout the school year, but it’s a very valuable skill that should be done weekly.
  • Quizzes and Tests- It’s important that your child understands how to use their studying time efficiently. Reviewing old math quizzes and tests is a great way to begin evaluating repetitive mistakes. Look for trends- are they making ‘clueless’ mistakes or more of ‘careless’ mistakes? While careless mistakes can be reduced by regular math practice, clueless mistakes mean your child needs expert help in math concepts!
  • Problem Solving- One area that many students struggle with are word problems. Sometimes a child can solve the problem, but they are unable to explain the reason for how they solved it. Giving your child a sense of math vocabulary is a wonderful way to develop problem-solving skills. Consider creating math problems where a child has to use a few math words in order to explain the solution. Combine concepts to make sure they can cross-reference their math concepts.



For example, if they know their decimals, fractions, and percentages well, ask them an easy question first like “The family dinner at the restaurant cost you $200 and you want to leave an 18% gratuity. What dollar amount of tip would you leave?”

If they get that right, progress to a medium difficulty question like “Midway second quarter of the football game, how much of the game is left?”

Having fun with math is a great way to bring about a lot of change in a child’s math confidence.

 So make sure to ask your child to have a Math Resolution for 2017 and make sure that the goal is within reach as well as stimulating and exciting.

For more on what you can do to help your child with math at home, contact us at Mathnasium of Avon today. We can help develop solid math confidence in your child backed by A grades!

