
Whether you’ve relied on well water for years or you’ve recently been introduced to it, you still need to know the basic points of taking care of your system. According to Fairbanks, AK’s top well company, All’s Well Drilling and Service, the first step is to hire a professional water well service when you have a problem to avoid making it worse or contaminating your water with bacteria or other foreign objects.

Here are three other maintenance tips this local well company suggests following:

  • well companySchedule Regular Inspections: The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) discovered in a recent study that up to 80% of well owners have never had a maintenance inspection. Unfortunately, this often allows small problems to grow into larger, more costly ones — not to mention how it can impact your water quality. Avoid this by calling your local well company once a year for an inspection.
  • Keep Hazardous Chemicals Away: Any chemicals that could contaminate your water should be kept at least 100 feet from your well. This should include hazardous items such as paint, fertilizer, pesticides, and motor oil. Regularly inspect the area around your well for possible contaminants, including septic tanks, trash, storage tanks, animal pens, and manure storage.
  • Inspect the Well Cover or Cap: Your well’s cap is a small but crucial part of your system. When properly installed and in good condition, it is your drinking water’s first line of defense against pollutants. Periodically check your well cap to ensure it is tightly sealed and that there are no cracks or signs of tampering.

To fully maintain your well, schedule an inspection with All’s Well Drilling and Service today. Call (907) 455-4082 or visit their website to learn more about their well repair and inspection services. You can also like this well company on Facebook for more tips.
