
Termites are found in 49 out of 50 states. The wood-loving insects have the power to take down entire buildings if no termite control efforts are implemented. Avoid severe, costly structural damage to your home or business by educating yourself on the termite infestation warning signs. As with many things in life, early detection is key.

Top 5 Signs You Have a Termite Infestation

1. Scattered Wings

Look for termite wings around doors, windows, and other entry points in your home. The insects discard their wings after setting up new colonies. 

2. Hollow Wood

Tap wood beams and other wood pieces around your home. If they sound hollow, you need termite control services. Termites like dark, humid environments and subsequently consume wood from the inside rather than munching on its surface.

3. Mud Tubes

termitesWalk around your home to look for pencil-thin mud tubes. These tubes, or tunnels, are noticeable where the ground and your house meet, as well as around wooden sheds and trees. The tunnels provide termites with the humid environment they need to survive as they forage for food.

4. Frass

Learn what termite frass, or droppings, look like. Termites eliminate waste as they consume wood and other termite food, such as cellulose. Frass is the color of wood and is found around any termite food source.

5. Mud Coverings

Identify termite mud coverings, which are similar to mud tubes but cover larger surface areas. They are generally the result of termites that prefer feasting on trees and other live wood. Inspect all the trees on your property if you discover mud coverings on one woody perennial.

Discuss these and other signs of termites with the experts at Copter Pest Control. The local exterminators have proudly served the Enterprise, AL, area since 1959 and provide the complete termite control services homes and businesses need. Contact Copter Pest Control today to schedule termite control by calling (334) 347-2430 or by visiting the website.
