
Did you know that March is the best time to start your yearly landscaping and lawn care? Everyone wants a thick, green lawn come summer—but you can only achieve the grass of your dreams by taking care of it in the spring. Sharp Lawn of Lexington, KY, specializes in a wide range of landscaping services including spring preparation to ensure a perfect lawn later in the year.

Below, these landscaping experts offer three reasons why you should start your lawn care program in early spring for a lush lawn in the summer:

  • lawn care Lexington KYEasy to Aerate Your Lawn: Now that the winter snow has melted and the ground has begun to thaw, your lawn needs some TLC. Aerating your lawn allows water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the roots and promote growth. Aeration also helps to break up compacted soil that can keep roots from spreading.  
  • Ample Time to Rebalance Your Soil’s pH Level: March is also the ideal time to check the pH level of your soil to determine how acidic it is. Adding lime can help balance out the acid and improve your chances of growing a strong, healthy lawn. Doing this in early spring will give your soil time to adjust and become more habitable for grass and plants.  
  • Early Intervention Against Weeds: If your lawn is prone to weeds or crabgrass, you need to act fast to prevent them from growing. Applying an herbicide to kill weeds before they take root is easier than trying to get rid of them once they have matured and take over your lawn. Work with a team of lawn care experts to determine which treatments are the most appropriate for your yard. Warm weather will be back before you know it—and you’ll have a lawn you can’t wait to show off.

Don’t let March pass by without calling Sharp Lawn at (859) 253-6688 to schedule your lawn care appointment. Their professional team specializes in everything from garden and patio design to landscape lighting installation. Visit them online to learn more about all their services.   
