
Regardless of whether you recently started a personal training regimen or you are a seasoned athlete, everyone can benefit from the soothing and corrective effects of massage therapy. Bodies that are out of alignment don’t work as efficiently, which can lead to long-term pain and damage. Here are some of the ways massage therapy can help:                                                             

Calm the Mind

While working out should be a positive experience, the demand of personal weight loss goals can often leave people feeling a bit anxious or even depressed. It’s time you gave your hardworking mind and body a little TLC with massage therapy. Research shows that massages decrease anxiety while also boosting those happy natural stress-fighters known as endorphins.

Release the Tension

Massage TherapyThrough the gentle manipulation of the body and realignment of the spine, massage therapists can promote greater joint flexibility, reduce muscle spasms and cramping, and even facilitate tissue regeneration to reduce scarring and stretch marks. If you adhere to a strength training program, your body needs a massage to improve how muscles, ligaments, and tendons function.   

Soothe Angry Muscles

While there are many benefits of going to the gym, working out can sometimes be a little rough on the body. Whether you’ve been overtraining or you are in an intense sports training workout, these scenarios can all lead to aching, overworked muscles that are prone to injury. Massage therapy helps to improve circulation, which allows more nutrients to get to tired, injured muscles. By improving blood flow to these areas, you can also promote faster healing.

Strengthen Your Immune System

There is one thing we can always count on—people getting sick. Luckily, massage therapy can stimulate lymph flow and increase the immune system’s first line of defense to keep you healthier all year long.


Your workout program shouldn’t come with the added stress of pain. If you are interested in soothing those strength-training muscles, trust your body to the massage experts at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center in Boulder, CO. First-time clients can now enjoy a 1-hour deep tissue massage for only $49. To find out more call them at (303) 475-4578 or stop by the website.
