
Some drivers accused of a DUI assume their cases are hopeless—even when they have the grounds to mount an effective legal defense. While criminal charges are always matters of consequence, DUI charges pose especially harsh penalties, such as thousands of dollars in fines and fees. Before accepting the seemingly inevitable, talk to a skilled DUI attorney who can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

A reputable criminal defense lawyer can help in a variety of ways, including:

  • dui attorneyChallenging the Arrest: Unfortunately, it's not unusual for police to violate the rights of those accused of a DUI, especially those pertaining to search and seizure. A DUI attorney with specialized experience can review every aspect of your arrest, ensuring your rights were respected and challenging any evidence that was collected improperly. Sometimes, they can even have your case dismissed.
  • Negotiating a Plea Bargain: In some states, prosecutors have considerable discretion when deciding which charges to file, and they may be willing to negotiate with a DUI attorney for reduced charges. In Connecticut, some motorists can plead guilty to reckless driving, which boasts significantly lower penalties than a DUI.
  • Exploring Defense Options: While police and prosecutors are adept at making conviction seem like a foregone conclusion, the law presents several legal strategies to drivers accused of a DUI. An attorney with an in-depth understanding of these techniques can identify the best course of action and protect your interests with impassioned skill.


Based in Groton, CT, Mark O. Grater Attorney at Law has decades of experience helping those accused of crimes protect their promising futures and hard-earned reputations. Visit the website now to learn more about Attorney Grater’s exceptional track record, like the office on Facebook for more legal advice, or call (860) 449-8059 for a free initial consultation with a DUI attorney.
