
From cavities to periodontal disease, cats and dogs can suffer from dental health problems just like humans. That’s why it’s important to incorporate regular dental care habits into your furry friend’s pet wellness routine.

Here at Countryside Veterinary Clinic in Charles Town, WV, we will explain the impact positive dental care can have on your pet—and how to get started developing positive oral care habits.

animal dentistLeft unattended, your pet’s teeth and gums will build up plaque and tartar, which can lead to an array of pet wellness issues. In more serious conditions, bacteria in an animal’s mouth can invade the body through the blood stream via oral lesions, causing serious infections. Kidney damage, heart disease, and joint problems are just some of the health issues that can arise from bacterial invasion resulting from poorly kept teeth and gums.

Prevention is the best way to protect against common oral diseases. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), regularly brushing your pet’s teeth is the single most effective thing you can do to ensure good oral health between visits to the animal dentist. Getting your dog or cat to accept brushing can be difficult, so start acclimating them to the process at a young age. An initiative of National Pet Dental Health Month, this video from AVMA has some great tips for gradually introducing the process.

In addition to regular at-home dental care, it’s also essential to have your pet’s teeth professionally cleaned under anesthesia.  For more information or to have your pet’s teeth checked, give us a call today at (304) 725-7663.  At Countryside Veterinary Clinic, we have been serving the local community since 1992. You can find out more about our services online!
