
While a chipped tooth might catch others’ attention, it’s not necessarily the good kind. A chip can make you self-conscious about your smile and curious about methods that will restore your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry offers excellent options for gorgeous, long-lasting results. If you want to repair your teeth and gums, turn to Alabama’s Daleville Dental. If a chipped tooth is making your confidence dwindle, these experts offer helpful cosmetic dentistry advice:

  • cosmetic dentistryBonding: The most affordable way to fix a chip, bonding is a classic method of smoothing out your smile. Your dentist will apply a filling material that matches both the color and shape of your original tooth, ensuring that the the bonding blends in. If you recently chipped a tooth and the portion remains, bonding can also be used to seamlessly reattach the missing portion quickly and efficiently.
  • Crowns: Crowns are excellent options for those with larger chips. Since these gaps stand out more, crowns completely cover the entire tooth, including the visible portion. They’re created in your tooth’s unique shape, made to match the original as closely as possible. If you opt for crowns, you can choose from either ceramic or porcelain options, both of which will be dyed to match the color of your natural teeth. 
  • Veneers: Veneers are an increasingly popular cosmetic dentistry option, offering a solution for a wide range of dental issues, including chips. These custom-made shells are placed over your teeth to give them an amplified appearance, creating the illusion of a straight, white, and sparkling smile. They’re also designed to blend in with the rest of your teeth, so you don’t have to worry about an unnatural appearance. 

If you’re seeking cosmetic dentistry options to fix your chipped tooth, look no further than the professionals at Daleville Dental. No matter the issue, these experts have the knowledge to make your smile shine. Visit them online for more information, or call (334) 598-4994 to schedule your appointment today.
