
If you have pets or young children or you simply enjoy time outdoors, you are familiar with the necessity of carpet cleaning in your home. Dust, dirt, spills, and stains can collect in your home, and if you don’t stay on top of cleaning, your carpets will look old, worn, and dirty in no time. Superior Carpet Care, located in Texarkana, TX, has a few tips to make sure your carpets stay fresh and clean.

5 Time-Tested Carpet Cleaning Tips

1. Choose the Right Vacuum

A vacuum cleaner is your primary tool to tackle carpet cleaning, so it’s important to choose the right one for your home. Do you have hard-to-reach areas or carpeted stairs? A handheld vacuum or one with attachments might be best for you. Do you have pets? Invest in a cleaner with extreme suction to remove fur from the carpet.

2. Use Club Soda to Clean Stains

carpet cleaningA common household ingredient for pet stain and odor removal is club soda. Pour it on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and dab it up with a clean cloth. This method is effective for red wine, coffee, and tea spills, too.

3. Trim Snags

Many carpet types, especially Berber carpet, will snag after enough wear and tear. Never pull the snag — that will just make the problem worse and could tear the carpet from its backing. Instead, grab a pair of scissors and trim the snag. Think of it as grooming for your rugs and carpets.

4. Monitor High-Traffic Areas

Spill prevention is a crucial element in preventing stains and keeping your carpets fresh and grime-free. Stairs, hallways, and rooms with lots of traffic, such as the living room, are areas that need extra TLC from time to time. Consider strategically laying out rugs to prevent carpet stains in these areas.

5. Deep Clean Regularly

No matter how much upkeep you perform on your carpet, nothing beats a deep cleaning. Every six months, hire a professional service to extract deep-lying dirt and tough, lingering stains. It's the best way to extend the life of your carpet.

With two decades of experience, Superior Carpet Care is trusted by residents throughout the Texarkana area for thorough carpet cleaning. They also have emergency service 24/7 in case you have an issue that needs to be immediately addressed. Contact them via their website or give them a call at (903) 319-7854 to schedule an appointment.
