
If your teeth are a few shades darker than you’d like, turn to Joy K. Lunan DDS in Middlebury, CT, for professional teeth whitening. As an experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Lunan can help you achieve the stunning smile that you’ve always wanted.

Below, she answers a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

How Often Should You Have Teeth Whitening Done?

Dr. Lunan uses the Zoom!® whitening procedure, which produces lasting results. If you follow her instructions after your appointment by brushing twice a day and flossing once a day, you can maintain your new, lustrous smile for years to come. After Zoom!, your teeth will always be a few shades lighter than they once were, but you can schedule touch-ups annually if necessary. Do not schedule teeth whitening more frequently than every six months because you might experience excessive tooth sensitivity.

How Long Does the Procedure Actually Take?teeth whitening

The entire Zoom! teeth whitening procedure takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. The bleaching itself may only take 45 minutes, but Dr. Lunan will require additional time to prep your teeth and gums before the procedure.

How Can You Make the Results Last Longer?

If you want to ensure the results of your teeth whitening last as long as possible, maintain good oral hygiene habits at home in addition to visiting your dentist regularly. You can also ensure great results by scheduling a teeth cleaning before the procedure and by avoiding foods and drinks that are notorious for staining teeth. If you take care of your smile, you may never need a full follow-up treatment, but you can take advantage of additional Zoom! products to maintain your pearly whites. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for the Procedure?

Almost anyone can benefit from professional teeth whitening. Some people will notice more dramatic results than others, though. Talk to Dr. Lunan about your smile to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

If you’re considering teeth whitening in Middlebury, CT, turn to Joy K. Lunan DDS. Visit her website to learn more about the cosmetic procedures she provides, and call (203) 598-7920 to make an appointment today. 
