
When you have tired, dry or itchy eyes, it can be hard to resist the temptation to rub them. After all, rubbing your eyes stimulates tear production, which can provide temporary relief. But take it from the doctors at Whitefish Eye Center in Whitefish, MT—rubbing your eyes can do more harm than good. An eye checkup can help you find a long-term solution for your discomfort.

Next time you get the urge to rub those tired eyes, consider this. Rubbing your eyes can transfer infection-causing bacteria from your hands into your eyes and put them at risk. Just as you always wash your hands before handling your contact lenses, you should make sure your hands are clean before putting them near your eyes.

Ieye checkupf you’re rubbing your eyes too much, it can also affect the skin around them. The area around your eyes is surrounded by tiny blood vessels, which can break and add to dark circles around your eyes. Eye rubbing can also contribute to eyelid laxity, or the stretching and relaxing of your eyelid’s elasticity. While it’s not a serious health problem, it can create the appearance of aging—signs of which often start in the eyes.

While rubbing your eyes may be a reflex in the moment, it can cause some uncomfortable issues down the road. For more everyday eye health tips, stop in at Whitefish Eye Center today for an eye checkup. Even if you don’t wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, a regular eye checkup is an important part of your overall health. Call Whitefish Eye Center at (406) 862-2020 or contact them via the online form today.
