
Asphalt paving makes excellent parking lots and driveways, but, like other materials, it is not indestructible. Maintenance is easy, though, and Ron Webb Paving & Snow Removal can show you.

They’ve been providing parking lot paving and road construction in Anchorage, AK, for almost four decades, and have this to share about adding a few years to your asphalt lifespan:

  • Ensure Adequate Drainage Solutions: One of the leading causes of pothole formation is water damage. To ensure rainwater doesn’t compromise the base below your pavement, don’t let standing water collect on it by installing enough drains. Ron Webb Paving & Snow Removal is available to solve drainage problems.

  • asphalt pavingRepair Cracks ASAP: Repair cracks as soon as they show up, or water and temperature fluctuations will expand them. Small cracks can be fixed easily with some fill; otherwise, leave larger asphalt repair jobs to contractors.

  • Seal Coating: For extra protection from inclement weather, UV rays, and moisture damage, get your asphalt sealed. There is virtually no difference in appearance between a seal coated and non-seal coated pavement surface, and application can be performed on your own or by a contractor, depending on the size of the project.

  • Regular Cleaning: Sweep or use a blower on a regular basis to remove harmful debris. Keeping your driveway or parking lot clean will also let you keep tabs on cracks and potholes.

  • Regulate Load Weight: Asphalt paving can get damaged from bearing too much weight. To ensure it stays in great shape, ensure that large recycling trucks and delivery vehicles have somewhere else to stop.

With proper care, your asphalt paving will serve you well for many years. To see what Ron Webb Paving & Snow Removal can do for you, give them a call in Anchorage at (907) 349-3724, and visit their website for a gallery of projects.
