
Using scrap metal in your products is one of the best ways to reduce costs of running your business. But buying metal from a recycling center also has an added benefit that will appeal to your customers: protecting Mother Earth. Roadrunner Recycling is here to share the environmental benefits of using scrap metal. The recycling center and junkyard in San Marcos, TX, offers car recycling and metal salvage.

Here are three ways using scrap metal benefits the environment:

  • Recycling CenterSaves Energy: Extracting new metals from the earth requires a tremendous input of resources. This process uses a lot of fossil fuels and other materials in order to acquire the valuable materials. By using metal from a recycling center, you’ll help save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Preserves Water: You might be surprised to discover that an incredible amount of water is used when mining iron ore. You can do your part to preserve water by using scrap metal instead. The National Institutes of Health estimates that making new steel out of metal scraps, rather than virgin ore, uses 40% less water.
  • Protects Habitats: Mining for iron ore and other materials can be detrimental to the environment. This impacts plants and animals, who are driven out of their natural habitats. Using scrap metal helps limit the destruction of animal habitats and save the environment.

Roadrunner Recycling is dedicated to protecting the environment while offering customers cash for junk cars. To speak with the staff at the recycling center in San Marcos, call (512) 353-4511, visit them online, or like them on Facebook.
