
Metal roofing has become increasingly popular in recent years, in large part due to its impressive weather resistance, high durability, and energy efficiency. But as the roof replacement team at Marty Robbins Roofing in Dothan, AL, explains, this doesn’t mean that all metal roofs are the same. Here are some of the most common types of metal roofing on the market, and how they can make a difference for your building.

Top 3 Types of Metal Roofing

1. Vertical Seam Panels

Vertical seam panels are a popular type of metal roofing in the Southeast, especially for mountain cabins. These lengthy panels provide a clean, even look thanks to the way attachment points are covered by adjacent panels. Vertical seam panels also utilize moveable clips that allow the metal to safely expand and contract as the temperature rises and falls. Available in steel, aluminum, and other metals, these panels are highly durable and provide a distinctive look to any rooftop.

2. Modular Press-formed Panels

metal roofingFor homeowners interested in a more traditional look, modular press-formed panels provide many of the benefits of metal roofing while matching the appearance of traditional shingles. These metal shingles are available with a variety of paint and granular coatings to resemble different roofing materials.

3. Affordable Panels

For homeowners who wish to gain the benefits of metal roofing at a lower cost, U-Panels and R-Panels serve as affordable options. These low-maintenance metal panels cost less than other metal roofing materials, in part because they can be installed directly over existing shingles. This eliminates disposal expenses and also ensures that the installation of the new roof will be completed quickly.

If you’re looking to install metal roofing on your home or commercial building, choose a roofing contractor with experience you can trust. Marty Robbins Roofing provides professional work at affordable prices. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (334) 794-8120.
