
The nutrition facts label you currently see on food products from your grocery store, will soon get a make-over. Beginning July 2018 food manufacturers will have to comply with this updated version and it has many benefits for you, the consumer, especially for those following a weight loss diet.

The key changes on the new label are:

  1. Servings. These will be larger and easier to read and have been updated to reflect what people actually eat today. For example a serving size for ice cream has changed from ½ cup to 3/4 a cup.
  2. Added Sugars are now required on all labels.  This will help determine how much is sugar has been added during manufacturing and how much sugar is found naturally in a food.
  3. Nutrients.  The list of nutrients required has changed.  Since Americans are not always meeting the recommendation for Vitamin D and Potassium, they are now required to be listed on the label.  The actual amount in grams and the percent daily value must be listed for Calcium and Iron as well. 

This updated, fresh design can only help educate and simplify the process of label reading for weight management but also for consuming a healthy, balanced diet.
