
Here at the office of Dr Wade as a family dentist the best practice for life is to grow awareness and teach methods to enhance health. Once we become aware of negative patterns, truly that cognition marks the first step to building the life of health we were intended to enjoy.

There are so many healthy benefits to physical exercise. Every single day is an opportunity to build health by exercising from 30-60 minutes. That addition would bring about a lifestyle change that would yield countless dividends. All healthy habits begin as a day to day choice that develops into a healthy habit. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are trying to raise an awareness of the need for most adults to embrace a healthy exercise lifestyle; a healthy fitness regime is necessary to prevent diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.  To facilitate that awareness they are asking the involvement of the local dentist and Dr Teresa WadeDDS—Family Dentistry has embraced a commitment to learn teach and embrace total health awareness at her office in Andrews, TX. Being healthy is so much more than only cavity prevention. Total health is a joyful life is really our goal.

Since only 1-out-of-4 adults does not have any exercise whatsoever, the other three can increase the frequency of exercise and invite health and wellness. At Drs Jerry and Teresa Wade’s dental office (612 Hospital Drive) we care about the whole person. Come see us soon; you could job or ride your bike to get here. Just kidding but we truly do wish to see you, so call for your appointment today at (432) 523-7782.

Wishing for health and happiness for you all. See you soon. 
