
Double-pane windows are as good for the environment as they are for your pocketbook, but are they really worth the upgrade? NuVue Products in Cincinnati says double-pane windows are worth the upgrade. With over six decades of experience in the industry, this team of window specialists will take care of your new window installation from start to finish. 

So, what is the difference between single-pane and double-pane windows? Quite simply, single-pane windows contain one layer of glass while double-pane windows contain two layers separated by an air pocket. Because single-pane windows do not insulate your home well, they often drive up monthly energy bills. Here are a few reasons why window specialists recommend upgrading to double-pane windows:

  • Less Noise: Double-pane windows will better soundproof your home. Whether you live in a high-traffic area or simply have noisy neighbors, double-pane windows slow down the noise transfer into your home, making your home more peaceful to inhabit.
  • window specialistsMinimal Condensation: When the temperature in your home differs drastically from the temperature outdoors, single-pane windows fog up and start to drip, creating a breeding ground for mold. Double-pane windows, however, provide a solid barrier against condensation.
  • Eco-Friendliness: In addition to lowering your energy bills, you’ll also help the environment in the process. Double-pane windows provide excellent insulation and will keep your monthly energy usage to a minimum.    

For energy-efficient window solutions that will improve the appearance and function of your home, put your trust in NuVue Products of Cincinnati. Give these window specialists a call at (513) 631-1801 today to get a quote on window replacements, and visit them online to learn more about their window products and services.
