
People tend to use their devices as extensions of their minds—delegating tasks such as scheduling, calculating, and memorizing phone numbers to these machines, while putting their mind to work elsewhere. But when your phone is unavailable, how will you reach someone in an emergency?

Canton, GA bail bond company, Godfrey Bonding, highly recommends memorizing important phone numbers. If you need some convincing, think about how you’d handle the following situations without memorizing at least a few numbers:

  • You Get Arrested: It happens to the best of us. You could be a law abiding citizen, but there’s still a chance you could end up in a holding cell—and if that happens, you must know who to contact. Memorize several numbers, if possible, so you aren’t reliant on just one person to bail you out.
  • bailYour Cell Phone Dies: Cell phones lose battery power all the time. It may not be an emergency 99% of the time, but what about that 1% where nowhere is open, it’s the middle of the night, and a loved one is in dire straits? Further, if your phone is old and frequently “bricks” on you, it could take less time to use an old-fashioned pay phone than wait for your cell phone to behave.
  • Using Someone Else’s Phone: For whatever reason, your cell phone is out of commission or just not on your person. Either way, you may end up needing to borrow a stranger’s phone or run into the nearest coffee shop to use theirs. Are you prepared to dial that number quickly and easily?

Memorizing phone numbers can still be as easy as it was a few decades ago. You can start by removing certain contacts from your phone—you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to start recognizing your contacts by their number rather than by seeing their name pop up.

Godfrey Bonding is a 24-hour bail bond service in Canton, GA. In case of emergency, consider memorizing their phone number: (770) 479-5230. For more information about their quick and courteous service, visit their website.
