
No matter how skilled and safe you are behind the wheel, it’s easy to hit the curb when parking your car along the side of a street. Unfortunately, doing so can damage your tires, even if you don’t notice any problems right away. Too many people assume that hitting the curb doesn’t require a trip to the auto repair shop. The truth is, when this happens to your vehicle, it’s best to schedule car repair service. That’s why the professionals at The Auto Clinic, in Tomah, WI, recommend getting service as soon as possible. 

Tire-Tomah-WIEven if you’re driving slowly when you hit the curb, doing so can harm your tires and the entire wheel system. Oftentimes, a closer inspection of your tires will show that small chunks will be missing from the front-end section, which can significantly reduce the lifespan of a tire. Should you spot this kind of damage, you’ll want to visit an auto repair shop quickly to get it fixed.

That said, much of the potential damage that results from hitting the curb can’t be seen—that’s why you should always contact a car repair specialist when it happens.

For example, the shock of even a light impact often jolts the connection between your wheels and your steering system, making it more difficult to effectively steer your vehicle. The impact will also rattle important components like knuckles, axles, and the overall suspension system. As with many car issues, the problem will only get worse if you don’t address it right away.

Striking the curb isn’t something to ignore. Getting professional attention will save you money and keep you safe behind the wheel. If this happens to you in the Tomah, WI, area, head to The Auto Clinic. To find out more about what the experts at this auto repair shop can do for you, visit them online, or call (608) 374­-2886.
