
While you already know that a chiropractor can treat your back and neck pain, did you know he can also help heal a variety of non-spinal conditions from head to toe? Southgate Chiropractic’s expert staff use their techniques for a variety of symptoms and illnesses that keep people from feeling their best. Besides the usual back and neck alignment, they explain a few other things you can see your chiropractic doctor for below. 

Chiropractor’s Most Unexpected Conditions 

1. Migraine Headaches 

Everything in your body is connected. This includes the delicate muscles, bones, and ligaments in your head, neck, and spine. Since a misaligned spine can cause intense migraine headaches, regular chiropractic adjustments can reduce the frequency of this painful condition by relieving pressure in the spinal column, reducing inflammation, and re-aligning your upper body to its proper, comfortable place. If your headaches are exacerbated by emotional response, your chiropractor can help with stress as well. 

Chiropractor2. Anxiety & Stress 

Chiropractic treatment also attends to your nervous system. When your nervous system is in balance, so is your anxiety and stress level. Even a slight misalignment of your vertebrae can cause a decreased ability to fight off stress. A Chiropractor will tend to your physical ailments, which will help you heal emotionally, too. 

3. Sinus Issues 

Do you experience acute or chronic sinus pain and pressure? Specific chiropractic techniques can relieve pressure, pain, and even help you get over sickness faster. Adjustments can even increase white blood cell count in your body, which helps strengthen your immune system and prevent sinus issues in the future. 

Call our office to see how we can help you stay healthy inside and out. For exceptional chiropractor care, no matter your condition, call Southgate Chiropractic in Southgate, KY, at (859) 572-0029. To learn more about Dr. Jones and his caring staff, visit their website
