
This has been reviewed and updated on 1/26/2021.

February is Pet Dental Health Month, but pet dental care is something you should pay attention to every day of the year. Just like people, pets can also suffer from the harmful effects of periodontal disease and tooth decay. With a few simple tips, you'll ensure your pet has healthy teeth and gums not only this month but also for life.

5 Tips for Better Pet Dental Care

1. Use a Toothbrush

Many pet owners think they don't need to brush their pets' teeth, but they do. Use a toothbrush made for pets or an ADA-approved children's toothbrush. Don't use human toothpaste, though, as it's not safe for pets to swallow. Use a toothpaste formulated for animals, ideally in a flavor your pet enjoys.

2. Beware of Bad Breath 

pet dental care

Check your pet's breath and gums regularly. Bad breath is a sign of poor oral health. You should also look for redness and inflammation in the gums, as well as tartar buildup. If you notice any of these signs, take your pet to their vet for a dental checkup.

3. Regular Teeth Cleanings

You should take your pet to their veterinarian for teeth cleanings twice a year to prevent dental issues. Pets are placed under general anesthesia during cleanings to prevent them from feeling any stress. Your veterinarian cleans the animal's teeth with a scaler to remove tartar and plaque. They'll also clean the areas under the gum line on every side of each tooth. Your dental care vet will then polish your pet's teeth, providing a smooth surface deterring plaque buildup. 

Depending on your pet's age and health, vets may also order x-rays for a detailed view of their teeth. If necessary, they'll perform a tooth extraction to prevent health issues or discomfort. While the process seems extensive, most appointments only last an hour. Pets usually go home on the same day as their cleaning, even if there's a minor surgical procedure. The anesthesia might make them lethargic at first, but the fatigue only lasts a few hours. 

4. Supplement With Rawhide

Rawhide and other dental sticks are not a replacement for brushing your pet's teeth, but they help fight plaque and bad breath.

5. Pay Attention to Nutrition

A healthy, balanced diet is an important part of pet dental care, so make sure you're giving your furry friend the proper nutrients. 


If you notice your pet has trouble chewing hard foods, schedule a dental checkup at Covedale Pet Hospital. For over 25 years, their veterinarians have seen the overall health needs of pets throughout Cincinnati, OH. They offer comprehensive care services to ensure that your pets are comfortable and happy for years to come. Visit their website for more information about their services. To schedule an appointment, call them at (513) 251-4666.
