
It’s normal to have tooth sensitivity every now and then, but persistent aches, throbbing, or tenderness may mean that you have a cavity. If you ignore the pain, you could cause further damage and even lose the tooth. When people in Archdale, NC, and the surrounding area need fillings and cavity care, they visit Patrick M. Pitts, DDS. This local practice is the most trusted provider of general and cosmetic dentistry services to keep teeth healthy and looking great.

If you think you may have a cavity, the professionals at Patrick M. Pitts, DDS share three ways to tell.

3 Signs You Have A Cavity 

1. Discomfort Chewing

If you experience sharp pain or a throbbing sensation while chewing on food, there could be a cavity. Cavities are a form of tooth decay that will wither away at enamel and eventually expose nerve endings. If you notice a jolt of pain during a meal, it’s probably because food came in direct contact with the nerve.  

2. Weird Taste & Odor

cavityIf you can’t get rid of a bad taste, or your breath stinks no matter how many times you brush and rinse with mouthwash, a cavity is most likely the source of the problem. Bacteria loves to make its way into these tiny holes and will leave behind a weird taste and unappealing odor.

3. Discoloration

Although you might not have the same tools as the ones you would find at a dentist’s office, it’s always a good idea to examine your teeth in the mirror to check for any damage. Unless you just ate a big bag of licorice, dark spots and discoloration on tooth crevices are cavities.

If you think you have a cavity, the team at Patrick M. Pitts, DDS is standing by to help. The practice provides teeth cleanings, dental crown and root canal procedures, and veneers. To schedule an appointment, call (336) 431-0002. Visit Patrick M. Pitts, DDS online to discover the many ways they will care for your teeth.
