
Golf can be a fun, relaxing pastime, but it’s also a game with traditions and unspoken guidelines that surpass the basic rules of the sport. Before heading out for your tee time, there are a number of etiquette guidelines to be aware of on the green.

Here, the golf pros at Waipahu, Hawaii’s Royal Kunia Country Club will help you optimize your experience—and the experiences of your fellow golfers—by explaining how to mind your manners on the course:

  • Dress for the Game: Golf requires a certain standard of attire not found in other sports. You won’t see basketball shorts, loose jerseys, or T-shirts on the green. Instead, dress the part by wearing pants (not jeans), a tucked-in collared shirt, and clean footwear. 
  • golfSilence Your Cellphone: Get your head in the game and out of your device by silencing your ringer and avoiding social media until the game is finished. Your fellow golfers will appreciate the full extent of your presence.
  • Respect Other Players’ Time: If your group is moving slowly, allow groups behind you to play through before resuming your game. By holding off for a few minutes, you can avoid inhibiting players who may be moving at a quicker pace.
  • Be a Good Sport: It goes without saying that sportsmanship is important with any game, so avoid displays of frustration or anger, yelling, or physical aggression if things get tense. Additionally, it’s a polite gesture to shake hands with players at the end of the round and congratulate the winners.

For the best game possible, hit the golf course with these etiquette tips—just don’t forget the most important part of the game is having fun. When you’re ready to get swinging, book a tee time at the gorgeous Royal Kunia Country Club. If you need guidance on on your form or don’t own clubs, their accommodating staff offers golf lessons and club rentals. Call (808) 688-9222 for more information, or visit them online to learn more about their course and shop.
