
Bringing order to the space you inhabit doesn’t just organize your material items—it can also clear your mind and optimize your everyday performance in life. Taking the time to de-clutter your home now can set you up for success in the months to come. Here, the wellness coaching experts at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI, provide five tips to get you started.

Follow these steps to create a space that will enhance your well-being:

  • Nix the Clutter: Whether you have a garage full of unopened storage boxes or an overflowing closet, you probably have some extra items in your home. Go through your belongings and get rid of the things you no longer need. You can sell them or donate them to charity, depending on their condition.
  • Invest in Organizers: Over-the-door storage pockets, shoe racks, under-the-bed boxes—there are many intelligent inventions that can help you make the most of your space. These items keep your things in order and can also create more space with their efficient storage capabilities.
  • wellness coachingCreate a Happy Space: Studies on happiness have repeatedly shown it’s experiences and social interactions—not physical possessions—that bring us joy. Create a space that reflects this! A small bulletin board is perfect for holding photos of friends, family, travels, parties, and whatever else makes you smile.
  • Look for Great Scents: Candles or incense can make your house smell great, giving it a fresh, clean, and cozy feeling. You can also invest in some spritz for your sheets, like lavender, which is great for soothing you to sleep at night.
  • Keep It Current: You can celebrate milestones throughout the year using your home décor. Don’t keep your Christmas decorations up forever, for instance! Instead, look towards spring with some fresh flowers that will keep you smiling.

With these steps, you can bring order to your home and create a space to boost your quality of life. For more ideas on how to improve your general health and happiness, look to the wellness coaching professionals at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health. From nutrition counseling to performance optimization advice, they offer an array of services designed to help clients live their best lives. Visit their website or call the wellness coaching pros directly at (808) 521-8170 to find out how they can help you.
