
Not all ants are the same, and if you have an infestation, you’ll need to know what you’re dealing with before you can treat it. At Dick's Fumigation Services, the best pest and termite control service in Wailuku, HI, the team has more than 65 years of experience in helping homeowners identify and control ants.

According to the expert exterminators at Dick's Fumigation Services these are the four different types of ants you can expect to see if you live in Hawaii.

Pavement Ants

When you think about ants, the pavement ant is the type that most likely comes to mind. Light brown to black and about 3 millimeters long, these ants make their way inside looking for food, especially anything greasy. If you see a line of these entering your kitchen, be careful—this type of ant can sting.

Pharaoh Antsants Wailuku HI

Pharaoh ants are also common in Hawaii because they like warm climates. These critters are smaller than pavement ants—about 2 millimeters long—and are light yellow. They like to nest in walls, behind baseboards, and in other dark spaces, so keep your eyes peeled along these surfaces.

Fire Ant

Reddish in color, fire ants can range from 1.5 to 5 millimeters. These ants love warm, sunny climates, so Hawaiian homes are the perfect place for them to look for their favorite meats and greasy or sweet foods. An easy way to spot a fire ant infestation is to look for one of their mounds, especially after rain.

Argentine Ant

Argentine ants like to nest in moist areas, so if you have wood debris or trees near your home or if they find wet, damaged wood in your walls, you may be at risk for an infestation. Unfortunately, an Argentine ant colony can contain hundreds of queens, so a homeowner might experience infestations year after year unless properly exterminated by pest control professionals.

If you notice any of these types of ants in your home, call the pest control experts at Dick's Fumigation Services. For more information about the best pest and termite control service in Wailuku, HI, visit the company online or call (808) 244-7496.
