
Full dentures provide a natural-looking replacement for all of your natural teeth. However, there are many people who need several teeth replaced, but not all of them. That’s where partial dentures come in. Richmond, Kentucky’s friendly dentist, Mark Stephens DMD, will explain when and why you might need partial dentures.

dentistWhether you’ve lost teeth due to injury, tooth decay, gum disease, or another issue, partial dentures provide a reliable method for restoring the appearance and function of the smile. Partial dentures can help people speak with improved clarity, chew easier, and support the jaw and face. They can also preserve surrounding natural teeth by providing durable support. A partial denture consists of a removable prosthetic with artificial teeth attached. In one partial denture, there might be anywhere from two to 10 teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic base. The teeth are made out of plastic and are specially formed to match the color and appearance of surrounding teeth. 

Due to their convenience and affordability, many people choose partial dentures as a long-term method for restoring damaged teeth. However, others may prefer more permanent measures such as a dental bridge or tooth implants. In that case, partial dentures can provide a temporary solution until further restorations are complete. In some cases, people may choose to undergo these dental restoration procedures over the course of several years. In the meantime, partial dentures will allow them to continue to live their lives without discomfort.

If you’re interested in restoring the function and beauty of your smile, enlist Mark Stephens DMD. Schedule an appointment at the practice today by calling a helpful employee at (859) 626-0069. For more information about products and services, visit the practice online. You can also visit the friendly dentistry team on Facebook. 
