
Few things are more overwhelming to first-time parents than a grumpy, teething baby. It seems like once you have mastered your child’s schedule, it happens: the crying, the discomfort, and the brand new little teeth that your baby doesn’t know how to use yet.

To make sense of this difficult time, parents can turn to the top pediatric dentists at La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to offering specialized dental care services just for kids and an incredibly warm, welcoming environment, this pediatric dentist also loves talking with parents about how to improve their children’s oral hygiene. Today, the experts from this La Crosse, WI, children’s dental clinic explain how to treat your child’s teething pains.

3 Ways To Make Teething Easier For Your Baby

1. Rub Their Gums

To help your little one to feel better, try massaging their gums with a clean finger. Gently pushing on their gum tissue can help stimulate blood circulation in the area, reducing inflammation and provide soothing counterpressure.

2. Chill Their Teething Toy

For a quick way to make your baby’s gums feel better, pop their favorite teething toy in the pediatric dentistrefrigerator. The cool teether will help to reduce pain and swelling. Avoid freezing teething toys—the extreme temperature can be harmful for your baby’s sensitive mouth.

3. Offer a Mild Pain Reliever

If your child is having trouble eating or sleeping due to discomfort from teething, offer a mild pain reliever such as children’s acetaminophen. If you have questions about dosage, talk with your child’s pediatrician or a pediatric dentist.

Teething is an important milestone in your child’s growth and development, and the above tips can help make it more comfortable. If you have additional questions about the teething process or simply need to schedule a well-check for your little one, visit La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry online or call (608) 782-4054.
