
A little bit of research can save you a lot of money when purchasing car insurance.  A car insurance company looks at a number of variables to decide what rate to charge you for auto insurance. Companies providing auto insurance can charge you more based on your marital status, where you live, your age, and many other factors. To get an excellent rate every time, call Ohio Insurance Center Agency in Cincinnati, OH, for a free insurance quote.

Here’s what you should look for when purchasing auto insurance:

  • Look For Discounts: There are a lot of discounts that many people overlook. Discounts can be given for having a car alarm, a clean driving record, good grades at school, and not drinking or smoking. If you’re not sure which discounts are available, ask your insurance agent. This is where their expertise comes in handy. 
  • auto-insuranceIncrease Your Deductible: The more you increase your deductible, the more money you save on your auto insurance, because your premium will go down. Be prepared to pay on your own for a small accident. For these savings tips to work for you, you’ll need to have the amount of your deductible available in your savings account in the case of an emergency.
  • Drop Collision Coverage on Old Cars: If your older car is in a crash, your insurance company probably won't pay enough for you to buy a similar car, so it’s not worth keeping up the collision insurance. When your premium reaches about 10% of the car's value, it's time to drop the collision coverage.

When buying auto insurance for your vehicle, ask several insurance companies for a free insurance quote for thorough comparison shopping. To get started, call Ohio Insurance Center Agency in Cincinnati at (513) 522-6300, or visit the website to get in touch.  
