
If you’re experiencing swollen and bleeding gums, there’s a chance you may be suffering from periodontal disease. Located in Kodiak, AK, the professionals at Bridgeview Dental Group encourage anyone who experiences these symptoms to schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible. Left untreated, the gum disease can worsen, causing serious damage to the tissue and bones that support your teeth.

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

Our mouths are full of bacteria that create plaque, the sticky substance on teeth. Failing to practice daily oral hygiene causes a buildup of plaque and excess bacteria, which can eventually lead to periodontal disease. When this happens, the gums become swollen, and the tissues around your teeth become damaged.

How Do I Know if I Have Periodontal Disease?

periodontal diseaseOne of the most common symptoms of periodontal disease is sensitive and swollen red gums. You might also experience bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth that doesn’t go away, as well as a receding gum line or pockets that form between the teeth. A more severe symptom is loose or misaligned teeth.

How is Periodontal Disease Treated?

It’s important to make an appointment with your dentist so they can perform a deep cleaning procedure. This will control the infection and remove the plaque buildup. They may also prescribe antibacterial mouthwashes or antibiotics to treat the symptoms. In the worst cases, surgery may be required. In order to maintain the treatment, it’s crucial to practice proper oral hygiene.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of periodontal disease, you should see a dentist right away. To schedule an appointment at Bridgeview Dental Group, the premier emergency dentistry practice in Kodiak, AK, call (907) 486-3257. You can also visit their website to learn more about their comprehensive list of services.
