
Even the slightest change in the weather can be debilitating for those who have asthma or certain allergies. Thankfully, your allergist has several effective treatments designed to provide relief so the affected can still enjoy the outdoors. Allergy and Asthma Specialty Center/Masood Ahmad, M.D. in West Chester, OH, has helped many patients avoid flare-ups caused by spring pollen, rain, and other weather conditions.

Sneezing, watery eyes, stuffiness, and difficulty breathing are just a few of the symptoms triggered by the seasonal changes. For example, engaging in activities during cold weather makes it difficult for some asthma sufferers to breathe in warm air because their lungs are working faster to take in the cold air. The imbalanced exchange can lead to swollen airways.

asthma treatmentThunderstorms can also have an effect on asthma and allergy patients because the accompanying winds carry flower and tree pollen into the air. The pollen may get trapped in the airways, making it difficult for some people to breathe.

Another way the weather might trigger an asthma or allergy attack is through an unexpected decrease in temperature or an increase in humidity. For some, the changes can lead to severe migraine headaches. 

Fluctuations in air pressure can also lead to sinus pain in asthma patients. The ups and downs of barometric pressure cause sinus inflammation and other asthma-related symptoms. Heat and a high pollen count in the spring make a recipe for increased allergic reactions.

Allergist Dr. Masood Ahmad has 25 years of professional experience treating asthma symptoms and offering comprehensive allergy relief. The practice treats both children and adults by providing customized solutions to ease and even eliminate symptoms.

Don’t let the changes in weather keep you from enjoying it. Allergy and Asthma Specialty Center/Masood Ahmad, M.D. invites you to visit the state-of-the-art facility for a consultation. Call (513) 777-7097 to schedule an appointment with the allergist. Visit the website for extensive information on allergy testing, asthma treatment, and other services.
