
Generally speaking, most dental patients don’t think about their wisdom teeth until they’re suffering from a major toothache that signifies the time for wisdom tooth removal. While wisdom teeth may seem like a nuisance, it’s important to understand them from an early age. At Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI, Allen K. Hirai, DDS specializes in pediatric dental care. This pediatric dentist also believes in educating their young patients so they understand proper oral hygiene and the ins and outs of wisdom teeth.

Here’s a rundown on everything you need to know about wisdom teeth from Honolulu’s favorite kids dentist:

Why Do I Have Them?

Before modern dentistry, humans had a tendency to lose their teeth a little more frequently. With a combination of tougher diets filled with harder foods and a lack of oral hygiene, losing a molar or two was not out of the ordinary once you hit your 20s. Wisdom teeth were incredibly helpful in this instance to replace missing molars. Thanks to modern dentistry, you won’t lose your molars, so your wisdom teeth may not have room to move in.

Why Are They Removed?

pediatric dentistWhen your teeth are developing, a pediatric dentist will take X-rays of your mouth to show where your wisdom teeth are located. If your dentist decides you may be at risk to suffer pain or bite issues as a result of wisdom teeth trying to grow in, they may recommend early removal. 

Should I Put It Off?

If your pediatric dentist recommends wisdom teeth removal, the procedure should be performed as quickly as possible to ensure there are no long-term effects to your teeth and jaw. In certain situations, you may experience tooth pain and swelling that make putting off the procedure very difficult. 

If you live in the Honolulu, HI, area, and you’re looking for a trusted pediatric dentist to help your child develop excellent oral health habits, call Pediatric Dentistry Kahala today at (808) 737-0076 to schedule an appointment. For more information on the pediatric dental services provided at this full service dental clinic, check out their website.
