
It may be tempting to slip Fido a bite under the table every now and again, but doing so could risk your pet’s health. Today, the experts from Crescent Springs, KY’s top animal clinic, Crescent Springs Animal Hospital, discuss the top human foods to avoid feeding your pooch.

5 Human Foods to Never Feed Your Dog: Advice From Crescent Springs’ Top Animal Clinic 

1. Chocolate & Caffeine

You probably already knew chocolate was bad for your pal, but it’s something that needs to be stressed time and time again. Since high quantities of chocolate can be deadly for your pooch, take extra care to keep the sweet stuff at bay. Caffeine, which is found in chocolate, is likewise dangerous. If your pet somehow does consume one of these substances, visit your local animal clinic right away. 

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is another serious substance that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, tremors, or even death. For that reason, always keep the wine and vodka far away from your dog’s reach.

3. Grapes & Raisins

animal clinicGrapes and raisins are toxic to dogs, although scientists still aren’t sure exactly why. Feeding these to your pet may cause kidney failure, so avoid doing so at all costs.

4. Nuts

The high quantities of fat found in nuts like almonds and walnuts can cause stomach problems in your dog, including vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis. So while nuts may be healthy for you, they simply are not for your furry friend.

5. Raw & Undercooked Meat

Dogs’ stomachs may seem robust, but the reality is domestic pets are not set up to consume foods they might find in the wild. Foods like raw eggs or undercooked meat may contain salmonella or E. coli, which will send your pet straight to the animal hospital. You should also avoid feeding your dog raw bones, which may lead to choking.

To ensure your pet is consuming a healthy, well-rounded diet, visit the experts from Crescent Springs’ favorite animal clinic. In case of a pet emergency, these professionals are always standing by to help. For more information about how Crescent Springs Animal Hospital can ensure your pet lives well, call them today at (859) 331-6608 or visit the website
