
If you have imperfect vision, contact lenses offer an alternative to glasses, if you don’t like wearing them. Although they’re a convenient option, to get the most out of your contacts and to keep your eyes healthy, it’s important to practice basic care and maintenance. Discuss these issues with your eye doctor to ensure you know what you need to do to keep your contacts and eyes in good shape.

3 Tips for Effective Contact Lens Care

1. Use Proper Solution

Contact-LensWhen cleaning your lenses and storing them after a day of wear, use a product designed specifically for that purpose. Water won’t fully clean your lenses and could contain bacteria and other contaminants that you want to keep away from your eyes. For the best results, ask your eye care specialist which solution they recommend for your particular contact lenses.

2. Remove Them Each Night

Sleeping with your contacts in is bad for both them and your eyes. Your eyes need a certain amount of oxygen to remain healthy. During the day, when you blink, your contacts move sufficiently to allow proper oxygen exchange. At night, however, you’re not blinking, so not enough oxygen will reach your eyes, risking infection and even blindness. Your contacts will also dry out more quickly if you do this.

3. Clean & Replace Your Lens Case

At the end of the day, don’t just drop your lenses into the case. Clean it thoroughly with solution regularly to ensure your contacts remain as fresh as possible. After three months, replace your case with a new one.


You’ll want to discuss this topic with your doctor, as they’ll keep you up to speed on everything you need to know to get the most out of your contact lenses. Looking for an eye doctor in the Anchorage, AK, area? Schedule a visit at Northern Lights Eye Care for superior treatment. Contact them online to learn more about becoming a patient, or call (907) 276-3937.
