
It’s common to give little thought to the exterior of your home. However, while having trees in your yard adds to the value and aesthetic look of your property, regular tree trimming maintenance is a necessity to keep them healthy and safe. For over 20 years, the landscape experts at Ohana Tree Services have provided dependable tree pruning, trimming, and removal services to the residents of Honolulu, HI.

Here, they share a few important reasons you should trim your trees regularly:

  • Prevent Damage: Trees with dead or damaged branches are a potential hazard. If a branch falls from one of your trees during a storm, it could injure someone or cause damage to your home or vehicle. Tree trimming will remove the branches that are in danger of falling or causing damage. You should also keep an eye out for any branches that fall too close to utility lines.tree trimming
  • Improve Property Aesthetic: Whether you’re looking to show off your yard to guests or prospective buyers, trimming your trees will make for an instant improvement to the overall aesthetic of your landscape. However, a tree that is dying from neglect will look like an accident waiting to happen and drive away any potential bidders.
  • Encourage Healthy Growth: Tree trimming does more than improve the aesthetic of your yard. It removes diseased limbs or weathered branches and helps the tree to maintain its natural form. Regular maintenance will also reduce the risk of insect infestation and tree disease. When a tree is healthy, it will grow stronger roots, which will help it to withstand severe weather conditions.

If you live in Honolulu and you’re in need of professional tree trimming services, you can rely on the experts at Ohana Tree Services. Call (808) 520-0186 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their additional tree care services. 
