
One of the most common insecurities people have about their smile is the color of their teeth. It’s only natural that our teeth lose some of their brightness over the years, but there are some things you can do — or stop doing — if you want to have a whiter smile. The dentists at the Dental Clinic of Stuttgart in Stuttgart, AR, offer a few teeth whitening tips below.

If you want a whiter smile, consider doing the following:

  • Cut Out Certain Foods & Habits: The easiest way to have whiter teeth is to avoid the things that turn them yellow. This includes cigarettes, coffee, soda, and red wine. Even drinking these dark beverages through a straw helps if you can’t avoid them altogether.
  • teeth whiteningDrink Milk: What should you drink instead of wine or coffee after dinner? Switching to a glass of milk or plain water can make your teeth whiter and your enamel stronger.
  • Try a Whitening Toothpaste: To maintain good oral health, brush at least twice daily and floss once. If you still want a whiter smile after that, try using a teeth-whitening toothpaste such as Colgate® Optic White® or Crest® 3D White.
  • Turn to the Pros: Most dentists, including Dental Clinic of Stuttgart, offer teeth whitening services right in their offices. This type of cosmetic dentistry is often the fastest way to get a whiter and brighter smile and is completely safe.

Don’t let the color of your teeth keep you from smiling. For more information about professional teeth whitening or more tips on what you could be doing at home, contact the professionals at Dental Clinic of Stuttgart by calling (870) 551-3836. Visit them online for a full list of their services.
