
In any business or commercial building, security is crucial. While you may already use locks, alarms, and surveillance cameras to monitor your business, these measures might suffice on their own. Larger buildings with multiple floors and wings require specialized security that can only be found in an access control system. This advanced setup will allow you to control all entryways and exits through a computerized network.

Based in Springfield, OH, Fortress Safe & Lock works to install access control systems in a variety of commercial locations. Here, their expert locksmiths explain the top five benefits of this line of defense:

  • Multiple Levels of Security Clearance: Most employees are allowed access to general areas yet restricted from rooms reserved for senior staff and managers. An access control system allows you to set each employee’s level of security clearance and prevent unauthorized entry.
  • A Log Of Every Entry & Exit: Access control systems are set to create an automatic record of each person that enters and leaves the building. Coupled with visual data such as surveillance footage, you can pinpoint the cause of any breaches in your system and quickly address all security concerns.
  • access control systemDifferent Access Methods: Access control systems allow for three types of entry—biometric, swiping, or coding. Decide which method best suits your needs and the needs of your employees before making a decision.
  • Key-Free Access: An electronic system is used to lock down specific areas using a magnetic lock or bolt mechanism. Doors locked in this way can only be opened with one of the methods listed above, eliminating the need for physical keys.
  • Automatic Shutdowns & Open Access: Access code systems are equipped with technology that allows for an immediate shutdown in the event of a breach or security threat. Alternatively, the system can open access to all areas during an emergency such as a fire.

When it comes to the safety of your business, there’s no room to cut corners. If you want to replace your commercial security setup with an access control system, call (513) 823-9251. To learn more about the services offered through Fortress Safe & Lock, visit the website.
