
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) techniques are becoming increasingly popular for everything from home design to wedding favors, but there are just certain things that are still best left to a professional. One such activity is teeth whitening; while there are many at-home kits available on the market, only a trained dental hygiene team can help you achieve professional-grade results. Here, the staff from Kimberling City Dental Center in Missouri explains why you might want to consider booking an appointment instead of choosing an at-home treatment.

Here are the top three considerations to think about when deciding which form of teeth whitening is right for you:

  • A Better Fit: Store-bought kits are one size fits all, meaning that even the priciest trays and strips still won’t ensure a flawless fit against your mouth’s unique shape. Professional whitening treatments, on the other hand, are custom fit so that every single surface of your tooth that shows when you smile will be whitened effectively.
  • Teeth WhiteningMore Powerful Results: The concentration of active ingredients used in dentist’s whitening treatments is higher (yet still safe) than those used in DIY options. As a result, you’ll achieve a smile that’s noticeably whiter and shades brighter than what you could have done with a standard gel, tray, or strip set from the drug store.
  • Dentist-Approved Treatments: When dental care professionals administer your teeth-whitening treatment, they can tailor their services to achieve the precise results you want. If your teeth have some stains you’d like removed or you simply want a brighter smile for a special event, they’ll make sure that you’re satisfied with your results. Plus, they can factor in any concerns you may have, such as sensitivity, to ensure that you’re receiving the best treatment for your needs.

To learn more about the professional-level teeth whitening options offered through Kimberling City Dental Center, call the practice today at (417) 739-4956. You can also like the dentist’s office on Facebook or visit their website for additional updates and information.  
