
Before you can take care of your teeth and gums properly, you need to understand factors that affect your oral health. For example, regular preventative dental care is an essential part of maintaining a healthy smile, and you should visit your family dentist every six months for an exam and professional teeth cleaning. If you can’t remember the last time you went to a dentist, the team at Lisa Valderueda, D.M.D. in Waipahu, HI, will be happy to help.

Healthy teeth and gums start from within, and that means consuming a balanced, nutritious diet. Nutrients critical to strong teeth include calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D. Additionally, when you eat can affect your oral health as much as what you eat. For example, you should not eat anything after brushing your teeth in the evening because bacteria will thrive on the food particles left in your mouth while you sleep.

Avoiding the wrong foods also is essential to maintaining your oral health. That means limiting your sugar intake and abstaining from consumption of foods that are especially sticky or gummy. If you want to prevent staining, avoid coffee, black tea, red wine, and tobacco.

Dental care Waipahu HIA healthy diet is only part of the battle regarding your oral health — it’s important to follow recommended cleaning practices to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay. Brush after every meal so food doesn’t have a chance to stick around and promote bacteria growth. You should floss at least once a day, and your dentist may advise you to do it before bed so it becomes part of your daily routine.

Taking care of your teeth at home is a critical component of maintaining excellent oral health. If you receive professional dental care only twice a year, it will not undo months of inadequate brushing, flossing, and eating habits.

If you have questions about maintaining your oral health or are looking for quality dental care in Waipahu, HI, turn to Lisa Valderueda, D.M.D.  Visit their website to learn more about this family dental clinic, and call (808) 676-5711 to make an appointment with a dentist. 
