
Sun-kissed skin has been the desired look for many individuals for decades, but lounging in the sun or spending time in a tanning bed poses serious risks, such as skin cancer and melanoma. Gateway Dermatology, PC has spent over 30 years using state-of-the-art procedures to treat such issues for their Lincoln, NE, clientele. Individuals need to be aware of the risks associated with tanning.

It only takes a few minutes of exposure to UV rays for long-term damage to occur. Here are some of the potential hazards:

  • Premature Aging: When UV rays hit the surface of the skin, they penetrate into the skin cells and damage their DNA, which causes wrinkles and sagging skin earlier than normal.
  • Discoloration & Growths: The color associated with a tan occurs when the skin cells release melanin as a result of the UV rays. Unfortunately, such discoloration can become permanent in the form of freckles and liver spots. The damage can also lead to the development of moles. While many types of moles are harmless, some are a sign of a more serious issue like skin cancer.
  • Skin Cancer: One of the most severe risks associated with tanning is skin cancer. It occurs when the damaged DNA causes cancerous cells to grow. Signs of skin cancer include painful, bleeding, red, scaly skin patches and moles with rough edges and irregular color.

These issues can be prevented by using sunscreen with SPF and avoiding artificial tanning beds and long periods in the sun. While signs of aging and skin discoloration can be treated with cosmetic dermatology procedures, cancerous moles are more serious. It's important to receive regular examinations to spot early signs of irregularities that may be skin cancer.

The professionals at Gateway Dermatology PC can provide complete body checks to identify and remove any suspicious moles.  They have an on-site Mohs lab to provide quick and efficient results when removing skin cancer. If you live in the Lincoln area, call them at (402) 467-4361 to schedule your skin examination, or visit their website for more information.
