
According to the CDC, 2,270 teens in the United States between the ages of 16 and 19 were killed and 221,313 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in automobile accidents in 2014. Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C. is a personal injury attorney in the Bronx who is dedicated to protecting his clients both in and out of the courtroom, including behind the wheel. To prevent your teen driver from getting into an accident, he encourages you to sit down and make sure they know how to be responsible while they’re operating a vehicle.

3 Things Your Bronx Personal Injury Attorney Wants You To Know About Teen Driver Safety

1. Eliminate Distractions

personal injury attorneyTexting while driving is the equivalent of driving drunk, and drivers who partake in texting are 23% more likely to get into an automobile accident than those who refrain, according to Brain Injury Society. So before your teen hits the road, advise them to turn off their cell phone and put it in the glove compartment until they reach their destination. Additionally, ask them to refrain from eating, drinking, playing with the radio dial, or turning their head to talk to people in the back seat.

2. Obey The Speed Limit

Speeding is a major contributor to teen car accidents, especially on roads with a lot of traffic or that are unfamiliar. Encourage your teen to maintain the speed limit at all times and to practice extra caution when driving on unfamiliar roads. One bonus of teaching your teen the merits of obeying the speed limit is they will avoid accruing costly speeding tickets, which can cause a sharp spike in your auto insurance rates.

3. Practice Defensive Driving

One of the best things you can teach your teen about driving is to always have their guard up. Being aware of the vehicles ahead of, behind, and next to them allows them to keep possible escape routes in mind. Leaving at least one car length between their car and the one in front of them can give them a buffer zone should an inpatient driver try to pass or if the car ahead of them needs to suddenly hit the brakes.

There is no substitute for driving experience, but at the very least, you can pass on your wisdom to your teen and encourage them to make responsible decisions. However, if your teen is involved in an accident and requires the services of a personal injury attorney, Stephen B. Kaufman is here to help. To meet with him, call (718) 822-0500. Visit his website to learn more about this respected Bronx attorney’s practice areas.
