
Constantly aching feet not only cause physical discomfort but also make it difficult to stay mobile. According to Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester, determining the cause of your foot pain is essential to developing the appropriate treatment plan. These top-rated Rochester, NY, orthopedic surgeons offer an overview of the common reasons behind sore feet.

5 Common Foot Pain Causes

1. Flat Feet

Flat footed individuals lack inside arches on their feet, which puts pressure at the wrong spots when they take a step. While some cases of flat feet are inherent, others may occur over time due to factors like injury, obesity, and diabetes.

2. Uncomfortable Footwear

The wrong choice of footwear is another leading cause of foot pain and can be resolved by simply switching to more comfortable shoes. Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester advises people with flat feet or irregular foot shape to invest in custom-fitted shoes.

3. Fractures

Foot PainA severe impact to the toe can often result in stress or bone fractures, causing considerable pain. Turn to the experienced physicians at Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester to locate the fractures and perform foot surgery, if necessary.

4. Osteoarthritis

With time and age, the cartilage layer around your joints can become weak and lead to a painful condition called osteoarthritis. Seek consultations from Rochester’s leading orthopedic surgeons to effectively manage the pain and learn about ways to increase joint activity.

5. Bone Spurs

Bone spurs are an aftermath of osteoarthritis and occur as tiny bony masses inside the joints. They can often result in extreme foot pain and may even disable your joints from functioning properly. The most reliable way to diagnose bone spurs is with an X-ray of the foot, focusing on the joint area.

Spare yourself the distress of foot pain by getting timely solutions from Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester. Schedule your appointment with these top-rated doctors today by calling (585) 723­-3000, and learn about their foot surgery services online.
