
For decades, asbestos was commonly used in buildings across the country. Until the 1980’s, the naturally-occurring mineral fibers were popular in construction for their chemical and fire-resistant properties. Discovered to pose severe health risks, asbestos abatement became necessary to reduce severe, potentially deadly exposure. Inhaling the fibers can cause abnormal cell growth, severe lung diseases, and even cancer.

If you’re concerned that your home or workplace might have asbestos present, Honolulu’s Ohana Environmental Construction can help. The hazardous waste management company specializes in mold remediation, lead paint removal, and asbestos abatement.

If you’re concerned about asbestos, the experts weigh in on the top places where it’s commonly found:

  • Inside Homes: Asbestos used to be common in home construction, primarily to protect against fire and aid in insulation. If your home was built prior to the 1980s, you could still face exposure. Asbestos in homes is often found in insulation materials, siding, soundproofing, electrical wire casings, and even floor adhesives. If you suspect the presence of asbestos, do not make contact with the risky materials. Only professional hazardous waste management specialists with the proper knowledge and safety materials can help eliminate your risk.asbestos abatement
  • Inside Schools: In the past, many schools were built with asbestos products, and these products still pose a threat to students and teachers. The law requires that schools nationwide have an asbestos management plan, meaning that every school must inspect their buildings at least once every three years and maintain an Asbestos Management Plan that details affected areas and steps to resolve the issue. These plans must be thorough, and the details must be released by school administrators to keep students and staff safe. Today, schools are required to stay up-to-date with asbestos abatement, as even minor exposure can pose serious damage.
  • Natural Occurrences: Since asbestos is composed of mineral fibers, it naturally occurs in soil and rocks, particularly in Arizona, California, Washington, and a large portion of the East Coast. If the naturally occurring asbestos is disturbed, its release into the air poses the same major health risks that are found in homes, schools, or other buildings. If it’s discovered, professionals need to enter the area and eliminate the substance through asbestos abatement.

Whether you’re concerned about mold remediation, asbestos abatement, or other environmental hazards, Ohana Environmental Construction will eliminate your risk, ensuring that all Honolulu area residents stay safe. To learn more and view their complete list of services, visit the company online, or call (808) 836-6955 to schedule your free estimate today!
