
If your business property contains a parking lot of any size, eventually the asphalt striping will begin to fade and the marks will become harder to see. Pacific Striping, the premier parking lot painting company in Honolulu, HI, encourages you to restripe your lot. Serving the communities of Waikiki, Waimanalo, Aiea, Pearl City, and Kailua, Pacific Striping has staff on hand 24/7, so someone is always available to answer the phone.

5 Key Reasons Asphalt Striping Is Important


A well-considered parking lot painting job keeps traffic organized and trouble-free. Asphalt striping tells visitors where to drive and where to park, and reduces the likelihood of accidents. If yours is starting to fade, Pacific Striping can revitalize it.


A freshly applied parking lot painting job looks bright, vibrant, and attractive. It tells visitors that you are organized, attentive to their needs, and trying to make a good impression.


parking lot paintingClear asphalt striping reduces the likelihood of collisions between vehicles and injuries to pedestrians. This, in turn, reduces the chances that you’ll be hauled into court to defend yourself against a liability claim.


Parking lot painting lets you maximize the available space and fit as many parked vehicles in your lot as possible. Without clear guidance from asphalt striping, visitors will park wherever is most convenient, which could mean they take up much more space than necessary.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has guidelines for handicapped parking, which must be clearly marked by signage and parking lot painting. Moreover, municipal fire codes often require appropriate curb and pavement markings to designate fire lanes. Asphalt striping helps you comply with all regulations.

Pacific Striping, an experienced parking lot painting company based in Greater Honolulu, can help you maximize lot capacity, avoid liability, and comply with local, state, and federal guidelines through proper parking lot painting and required signage. Visit their website for contact details, or call (808) 859-3664 to speak to a friendly professional about your asphalt striping needs.
