
Whether you have a small driveway to maintain or an entire parking lot, keeping your asphalt in good shape is no small task, especially during the frigid Alaskan winters. Caddo Construction in Anchorage, AK, knows that winter pavement maintenance isn’t easy, which is why they’ve compiled some helpful tips for you.

3 Asphalt Maintenance Procedures You Can’t Live Without This Winter

1. Fill Cracks Quickly

One of the biggest causes of asphalt issues during the winter time is cracks, which is why it’s important to repair them as soon as possible. During the colder months, moisture can seep down into cracks and freeze, causing them to expand and the asphalt to crumble. However, sealing any visible cracks as soon as possible will help minimize winter damage.

2. Plow & Shovel With Care

asphalt-snow-removalUnless your asphalt is in a covered area, you’ll likely need to shovel snow to use it; but remove snow carefully. A common cause of winter pavement damage is from snowplow or shovel blades that are too sharp and scrape away your asphalt layer. Because of this, Caddo Construction recommends investing in the services of an expert plow operator familiar with the type of plow blades asphalt can handle.

3. Choose The Right Deicer

Sand and rock salt on the roadway is a common sight during the Alaskan winters; however, some deicing agents work better than others. For asphalt, rock salt can be particularly damaging and can eat away at it, which is why the professionals from Caddo Construction recommend using a milder deicing agent, such as sand or calcium chloride.

For more tips on how to maintain your asphalt during the winter, contact the driveway and snow removal professionals from Caddo Construction today at (907) 333-6160. They also specialize in commercial and residential paving services, so visit them online for a closer look at what they do.
