
When you've been injured in an accident, you're free to represent yourself when dealing with an insurance company. However, every insurer maintains teams of lawyers who specialize in minimizing payouts and denying claims. With this in mind, it's in your best interest to hire a reputable accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Gary C. Mitchell, P.C., a highly respected law firm in Ruidoso, NM, recommends contacting a personal injury attorney if:

  • You've Suffered Real Losses: For all but the most minor of cases, a lawyer's expertise can be instrumental in securing adequate representation for your losses. The more serious your injuries and property damage are, the more difficult it will be to calculate an accurate evaluation of your case. A skilled accident lawyer will weigh all the various factors, decide upon a fair settlement amount, and strive to deliver what you deserve.
  • accident lawyerThe Offer Is Inadequate: It's not unusual for insurance companies to make settlement offers that neglect to cover your damages in full. In fact, their initial offer may not even provide compensation for medical bills, let alone lost wages and non-monetary damages. However, your insurance won't even attempt this tactic if you're represented by a respected personal injury attorney.
  • The Insurer Disputes Liability: In some cases, the insurance company may deny your claim altogether, asserting their client is not responsible for your injuries. Many accident lawyers are equipped with an extensive list of professional resources, including investigators who will lay down the accurate timeline of events.

Since 1977, Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. has handled hundreds of personal injury cases, helping accident victims receive full compensation for their losses. With their ingrained experience and long-standing reputation for honest, ethical service, you can rest assured they'll work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Call (575) 257-3070 to schedule a consultation with an accomplished accident lawyer, or visit the website for more information.
